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How to grow green beans

Growing Bush Beans

If you are new to gardening or have been gardening for a long time, beans are one vegetable you want to grow. Beans are one of the easiest vegetables to grow and produce a good yield for a long season. They are also one of the best-tasting vegetables you can grow.

Just to show you how good they are fresh, my son-in-law, when he was dating my daughter, came over for dinner one day and we had just picked fresh beans and had them for dinner. He asked what they were. He had only had beans from a can as he was growing up and could not believe that these were regular green beans. This was 20 years ago, but it shows how much better fresh beans are.

Beans are easy to grow and will grow well in most types of soil. You can grow them in an in-ground garden, in raised beds, and even in containers. A plate of steamed beans with butter is like a desert when they are fresh from the garden.

Beans are nice to grow because you don’t need to start them indoors early. They will grow great starting in the ground in the garden after the last frost. Most will start producing in 55 days after planting. When the plants begin producing good beans, pick them every day or at least every other day. The more you pick them, the more they will produce.

Once they produce, they will produce a lot. You will eat a lot of beans unless you can freeze them or give them to friends and family. Beans are also great for small spaces. You can plant them close together and you can succession plant them. Plant them every 10 days to 2 weeks to keep them coming till they freeze. Look at square-foot gardening to see how close together you can plant them.

I recommend you plant a couple of varieties, so they are not all the same. There are many varieties you can try. As I said yellow are my favorite. The Purple are also particularly good tasting. Try some different types and see which ones you like best. The best thing is there are no bad ones.

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